Arno Minkkinen

Palazzo dei Principi
1 May - 1 June 2008
curated by A.D. Coleman and Todd Brandow for the Foundation for the Exhition of Photography of Minneeapolis (USA)
promoted by: Palazzo Magnani, Provincia di Reggio Emilia
in collaboration with: Comune di Correggio

Arno Rafael Minkkinen (Helsinki, 1945) began to photograph his body in 1970 and has always remained faithful to this unusual motif. The exhibition is an anthology of the work of this cult photographer. Arno’s naked body interacts with natural landscapes (forests, lakes, rivers, mountains, deserts, canyons, oceans and ice flows) in images with extraordinarily formal suggestions that allude to a primordial era in which man, who possessed strength and physical resistance, challenged, faced and lived in harmony with nature.

Information and contacts:
Palazzo dei Principi
corso Cavour 7 - 42015 Correggio
tel. + 39 0522-691806
e-mail: and
web:  and e

Mon, Wed, Thu and Sat: 15.30 to 18.30; Sun 10.00 to 12.30 and 15.30 to 18.30. Different times are available by appointment (+39 0522-691806)
Ticket (valid also for the Edward Steichen exhibition in Palazzo Magnani and in the Chiostri di San Domenico): full 9 €, reduced 6 € (even for owners of Fotografia Europea ticket), students 4€


© Arno Mikkinen, Self-portrait, Kuusamo, Finlandia 1976

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