Laura Costantini - Libreria Farini

30 April - 15 June 2008

promoted by: ReFoto

These images are composed of close ups and details and contain a visual possibility and perceptive complexity that extends beyond the boundaries of the frame, revealing the dual dimension of taking photographs: suggesting what is not there. Faces, gazes, gestures…represent the echo of a tension experienced through communicative performance. In this place/non-place that includes the idea of every place, the intentional nature of significance is meant to be a shared experience, a kind of symposium. 

Information and contacts:
Libreria Farini
via Farini 1  
tel. +39 0522 454171

Da lunedì a sabato dalle 9.00 alle 13.00 e dalle 15.30 alle19.30
Domenica dalle 10.00 alle 13.00. Giovedì chiuso.
Il 24/05 per la “Notte Bianca” aperto fino alle 23.00

Ingresso gratuito

© Laura Costantini

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