Thursday 1st May 2008

h. 10.00 – Piazza Casotti
Fotografia tra crudeltà e concetto (Photography from Cruelty to Concept)
A dialogue between two contrasting protagonists of photography who place the body at the centre of their images. One is carnal and experimental, the other cold and mysterious. Are they in opposition or complementary?
Conversation with the artists Paolo Gioli and Jorge Molder
Presented by Elio Grazioli

h. 11.30 - Piazza Casotti
Umanità e disumanità del corpo (The Body’s Humanity and Inhumanity)
Artists asked to produce work for Fotografia Europea describe their choices and photography. Three different ways of photographing the body and three different elements of the same basis: the atypical image.
Conversation with the artists Antoine D’Agata, Aneta Grzeszykowska and Ann-Sofi Sidén
Presented by Elio Grazioli

h. 18.00 - 24.00 - Quartiere Gardenia
Una Gardenia per il Primo Maggio (A Gardenia for the First of May)
Preview RED - Reggio Emilia Danza with the participation of Aterballetto, MMCompany and Compagnia Ltd
Periferica for Fotografia europea. Una Gardenia per il Primo Maggio (A Gardenia for the 1st May) una mostra da portar via e un segno da lasciare (an Exhibition to Take Away and a Sign to Leave) by Teatro dei/nei Quartieri
Treni, stazioni, officine, palazzi: Il Quartiere Gardenia si racconta
. Open air installation
Sponsored by Reggio Emilia Town Council - Fotografia Europea 2008, I Teatri Foundation and Reggio Parma Festival RED Reggio Emilia Danza. In collaboration with ARCI, Circolo ARCI Gardenia, Teatro dei/nei Quartieri, District VIII, Area Social Services 3, ACT and ACER
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