Sunday 4 May 2008
h. 10.00 - Piazza Martiri del 7 Luglio (in the event of bad weather Teatro Zavattini - Cavallerizza)
Anima e corpo: quale relazione? (Body and Soul: what is the relationship between them?)
Opposed to traditional Catholic doctrine that believes that the soul comes down from on high and is directly created by God at the moment of conception, without the input of parents, and opposed to materialistic reduction that denies all legitimacy of the concept of the soul, Vito Mancuso gives a vision of the soul that rises from below, overcoming any dualism between form and spirit.
With Vito Mancuso
Presented by Massimiliano Panarari
h. 10.00 - Chiostri di San Domenico
Portfolio Interpretations
Portfolio interpretations Fotografia Europea 2008
Portfolio Interpretations gives all those who want to continue or begin a career as a photographer an in-depth look at aspects of their work, together with a photo editor and leading photographers and agencies, with useful suggestions and advice in a constructive opportunity for development.
Giovanna Calvenzi photo editor,
Mario Cresci photographer and lecturer,
Gigliola Foschi curator and journalist,
Vaclav Macek director of Bratislava Photography Month,
Martino Marangoni Marangoni Studio Foundation,
Paola Riccardi Grazia Neri Agency and
Laura Serani curator and commissarie Mois de la Photo 2008 Paris.
Free. Advance booking required (40 places available) tel. +39 0522-456249
h. 11.30 - Piazza Martiri del 7 Luglio (in the event of bad weather Teatro Zavattini - Cavallerizza)
Atlante italiano ‘007: rischio paesaggio. Ritratto dell’Italia che cambia (
Italian Atlas ‘007 Landscape Risk. Portrait of a Changing Italy).
Starting with the exhibition Atlante Italiano 007 and the related competition for young photographers commissioned and created by PARC in Rome, some of the protagonists of this experience have focussed on this research project linked to the landscape and to the territory in contemporary photography, with particular emphasis on the Italian tradition in recent decades to the present day
Andrea Botto,
Margherita Guccione,
William Guerrieri and
Roberta Valtorta
Presented by
Sandro Iovine
h. 16.00 - Piazza Martiri del 7 Luglio (In the event of bad weather Teatro Zavattini - Cavallerizza)
Master Class
The Mind of Touch
“Touch is not just skin contact with things, but the very life of things in the mind.” This observation by McLuhan, the expert in connective intelligence, demonstrates how apparently bodiless worlds, such as the virtual, hypertechnological and digital worlds, which often seem to threaten our sensory powers, in reality exalt the senses, in particularly touch in its form of ‘contact’ and ‘connection’, and become a privileged vehicle of our penetrating the world.
Class by Derrick De Kerckhove
Presented by Armando Massarenti
h. 18.00 – Piazza Casotti
Readings and performances
Madre con cuscino (Mother with a Pillow)
Accompanied by a collection of photographs of unknowns, kept in the Enrico Mitrovich archives, this obsessive writer from Treviso, constructs a noir story centred on the presence of bodies within the family, seen as a place of hidden criminal pathology, the supporting criterion of its apparent normality.
Reading di Vitaliano Trevisan. Projection of photography from the Enrico Rossi Mitrovich collection.
Presented by Alberto Bertoni
h. 19.00 – Piazza Casotti
Esperienze extracorporee. (Out of Body Experiences)
Niconote - DJ set
In collaboration with Maffia ARCI
h. 19.00 – Piazza Fontanesi
Live Zone
Concert/aperitif with Big Luxury Tobacco Lounge
In collaboration with 8 Ball Agency
h. 21.00 - Piazza Prampolini (in the event of bad weather Teatro Ariosto)
Tricarico in concert
In collaboration with ARCI Spettacoli Reggio Emilia