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Expanded frames

03 maggio 2009, ore 18.00 - Università Mediateca 

Expanded frames

Cinema di Famiglia - Progetto Osservatorio Reggio Emilia

curated by Relabtv, National Archive of Family Film, with the support of the Manodori Foundation, the Municipality of Reggio Emilia, CCPL
Expanded Frames stems from the need to show and valorise the private, never-before seen audio-visual heritage recovered in the “Cinema di Famiglia/Osservatorio Reggio Emilia” project. During 2008 more than a thousand films were collected which act as a visual testimonial to the lives of the inhabitants of the city and the territory, and which are now being made public.
With the participation of Vanni Codeluppi, Giovanni Fiorentino, Claudio Giapponesi, Andrea Ginzburg and Paolo Simoni. To follow, viewing of the documentaries.
Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Mediateca
viale Allegri 9 - Reggio Emilia
Free entrance