Marco Belpoliti

Marco Belpoliti (born in Reggio Emilia in 1954) is a writer and essayist and teaches at the University of Bergamo. He has edited "Opere" by Primo Levi (1997) and several of Levi’s posthumous works. His recent publications include "Crolli" (Collapses) in 2005; "L'occhio di Calvino. Nuova edizione (The eye of Calvino. New edition) in 2006; and “Pasolini in salsa piccante” (Pasolini in hot sauce) in 2010. He works with newspapers and magazines including La Stampa e l’Espresso. He is the author and screenwriter of the film "La strada di Levi" (Levi’s road) by Davide Ferrario, and is one of the founders of the online magazine DoppioZero.