Artists' talk

7th May

7.00 p.m. Spazio Gerra
The Manchester scene through music and photography
Carlo Antonelli talks to Kevin Cummins. Hosted by Luca Frazzi

8th May

12.00 a.m. - Piazza Casotti
The enchantment in the eyes
“Enchantment is the sense of something new that already exists; a memory as soon as it is born. It is photography itself; the difference that links reality with its image”
Elio Grazioli presents Mark Borthwick, Alessandra Spranzi and Richard Wentworth

4.00 pm  - Cinema AlCorso
Projection of the film Nuit bleue (2008 - 86') by Ange Leccia
In the presence of the author. Host: Elio Grazioli

4.00 p.m. - Sala degli Specchi, Teatro Valli
GD4PhotoArt: Photography comes across industry
Presentation of the second edition and announcement of the winners of the European photography competition on the theme of industry, society and territory, promoted by G.D and Fondazione Isabella Seràgnoli
Speakers: Quentin Bajac, Gabriele Basilico and Giovanna Calvenzi

7.30 p.m. - Chiostri di San Domenico
Saluta La Dia
Inauguration of the first Italian solo exhibition of Mark Borthwick, in the presence of the artist
Organised by Studio Blanco

9th May

10.30 - Teatro Valli, Sala degli Specchi
Fotografia europea_ Rencontres de Bamako
Speakers: Laura Serani, Patrizia Guerresi Maimouna, Guy Wouete, Ismaïl Bahri

12.00 am - Piazza Casotti

Beyond opaque appearances. Visual strategies in search of a new enchantment
With which reflections or poetics can photography discover an enchantment that is not false, fleeting enjoyment or momentary fascination?
Speaking on this topic are the artists Pio Tarantini and Davide Tranchina with Gigliola Foschi. Host: Elio Grazioli

5.00pm - Aula Magna "Pietro Manodori" -Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia
A talk with Michael Kenna. Host: Sandro Parmiggiani.

ph. +39 0522 451152, +39 0522 456249
Free admission