Presentation of books

8 May

10.30 - Sala degli Specchi, Teatro Valli
Future Images by Mario Cresci (24 Ore Cultura - Federico Motta Editore, 2009)
An exploration of the works of artists working outside the general schemes of photography. Speakers: the organiser, Anna Detheridge, Armando Massarenti and Davide Tranchina

18.00 – Sala degli Specchi, Teatro Valli
Dear Mister Fantasy. Foto-racconto di un’epoca musicale in cui tutto era possibile 1969-1982 by Carlo Massarini (Rizzoli, 2009)
Not only a book about music, but also about the dream of an entire generation, the story with words and images of an Italy that discovered the Rolling Stones and Bob Dylan, Bob Marley and Bowie. Speaker: the author

19.00 - Cinema AlCorso
Luigi Ghirri. Lezioni di fotografia
by Giulio Bizzarri and Paolo Barbaro (Quodlibet, 2010)
Gianni Celati, in the presence of the curators and of Ermanno Cavazzoni and Paola Borgonzoni Ghirri, presents the book that contains the photography lessons held by Luigi Ghirri at the university of the project from 1989 to 1990.
Initiative of the Biennial of Landscape of the Province of Reggio Emilia

9 May

11.00 - Biblioteca delle Arti
by Claudio Angelini-Città di Ebla and Gianluca "Naphtalina" Camporesi (Bolis Edizioni, 2009)
The photographic book is the continuation of the theatrical project Pharmakos, centred on the theme of the body and staged by the theatre group City of Ebla. Speakers: the authors and Federica Muzzarelli 

16.00 - Sala degli Specchi, Teatro Valli
Laboratorio Italia. La fotografia nell’arte contemporanea by Marinella Paderni (Johan & Levi, 2010)
The book contains the works of 46 young Italian photographers that have stood out due to their innovative use of photography. Speaker: the author. Host: Elio Grazioli

18.00 - Sala degli Specchi, Teatro Valli
Un'autentica bugia. La fotografia, il vero, il falso
(Ed. Contrasto 2009) by Michele Smargiassi
An amusing and acute digression on the topics of truth and falsehood in photography arising from the lively debate on the digital era and its manipulability. Speaker: the author. Host: Roberto Alperoli

ph. +39 0522 451152, +39 0522 456249
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