The images do not deny reality, nor do they remove the pain of it, but they are able to capture things differently in that they are sustained by the need to be fuelled by imagination, hope and engaged attention. In the works of the authors displayed at this exhibit there are no flights towards gratuitous worlds of the imagination. Reality is there, before their eyes, but it is given renewed vibrancy by the affective or imaginary dimension of their way of looking at it. Through extremely diversified visual or design strategies, with the power to effect a kind of sideways shift or displacement of what we normally see, the works become spaces of discovery and enchantment in which reality no longer appears in its “opaqueness”, but opens up to a hidden and evocative dimension instead. Some of the authors have worked on the images before taking the shots, arranging performances or installations that transfigure the world in a poetic, playful or deliberately utopian way. Others use a close up shot or a view dilated in time to transform fragments of reality (a donkey's face, a ship model in a bottle, a simple room, a landscape, an old photograph) into mysterious apparitions or presences suspended in time, stirring the viewer's imagination.
Nunzio Battaglia, Maggie Cardelús (Spain-United States), Martina Della Valle, Martina Dinato, Thomas Flechtner (Switzerland), Pierluigi Fresia, Francesca Grilli, Daniele Lira, Claudia Losi, Esko Männikkö (Finland), Lala Meredith-Vula (Bosnia Herzegovina), Jari Silomäki (Finland), Pio Tarantini, Davide Tranchina, Devis Venturelli, Dubravka Vidovic (Croatia), Thomas Wrede (Germany). .
Museo Frati Cappuccini
Via Ferrari Bonini 6 - Reggio Emilia
Tel. 0522 451152, 0522 456249, 0522 456635, 0522 456448
Single ticket for all exhibitions 10€. Concessions 7€
Open Times: Opening Friday 7th May, 19.00
7th May from 19.00 to 24.00; 8th - 9th May from 10.00 to 23.00
From 10th May to 13rd June: from Tuesdays to Fridays from 20.00 to 23.00; Saturdays, Sundays and festivals from 10.00 to 23.00. Monday closed. Open in the morning for schools.
Sunday 9th May, 12.00 – Piazza Casotti Al di là delle apparenze opache. Strategie visive alla ricerca di un nuovo incanto Gigliola Foschi chats with Pio Tarantini e Davide Tranchina
Presented by Elio Grazioli