
Piazza Martiri 7 Luglio

8 May

11.00 – The animistic aspect of photography: brands and photos in contact. Anthropologist Franco La Cecla, hosted by Riccardo Panattoni, analyses the perceptive aspect of photography, able to create “visual short circuits” similar to the sensation of losing and enchanting oneself.

16.00 – Living is like sculpting: remove to see. The versatile writer Mauro Corona talks about enchantment and ferocity, beauty and fear of experiencing art and nature. Host: Riccardo Panattoni

18.00 – City sights: The landscape of flows. The artist Francesco Jodice, curator Marinella Paderni and architect Stefano Boeri discuss the challenges of the post-metropolitan landscape and the search for new forms of mobility. Presents Massimiliano Panarari.

21.30 - Patagonia and the fascination of the future. Sociologist Francesco Morace talks with Vanni Codeluppi about the unexpected revenge of physical places and the territory with regard to abstract and virtual experiences. Patagonia as a place of truth to be explored.

9 May

11.00 – The “snapshot” before and after Ver Meer and Van Gogh. Neurosciences expert Ruggero Pierantoni talks with Riccardo Panattoni about the eternal dilemma between physical immobility and the mental mobility of the image.

16.00 – When is art? Exemplify and activate. When are there the conditions so that one can talk about art? Starting from this question semiologist Paolo Fabbri tackles the topic of charm and its etymology, charme, linking it to the work that architect Italo Rota presents at the Reggio Emilia museums.
Host: Riccardo Panattoni

ph. +39 0522 451152, +39 0522 456249
Free admission